Wild Palms: To The Lighthouse/Draw In Light

"Inconsistency is my very essence... ...Mutability is our tragedy, but it is also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. It would seem the sage words of Boethius provide something of a manifesto to Wild Palms' front-man Lou Hill, although perhaps assuming he's au fait with the Consolation of Philosophy might be a bit of a stretch; "Once you think you’ve found your feet, you’re f*cked." was Hill's eloquent expression of the same sentiments...

Nonetheless, mutable is certainly the first adjective that springs to mind when considering the work of Wild Palms. Having only recently changed their name from Ex-Lion Tamers[1] (a rebirth heralded by a much-lauded cover of Bjork's Human Behaviour), there's talk of a debut album being released in March '11, but by then the sound could well have changed again. Yet despite all the talk of change and evolution, the double-A-side single To The Lighthouse/Draw In Light (to be released on the 1st of November) sounds remarkably stable; a polished, consummate display of musicianship and intelligent production.

For this single, as well as the forthcoming album, the band blew nearly all their recording budget on securing the services of the producer Gareth Jones** - a man with an impressive back-catalogue including Turn on the Bright Lights (easily Interpol's finest effort) and Grizzly Bear's recent hit LP Veckatimest - and it seems to have paid off.  Whereas their previous efforts were all hairy balls and crunchy bass lines, the new tracks have an unexpected warmth and subtlety to them. This means that neither To The Lighthouse nor Draw In Light pack the punch of last years single Over Time, but what they lack in immediacy they repay in spades over repeat listenings. These new tracks are all about atmosphere and the delicious tug-and-release of dramatic tension. If the album's anything near as good as these tracks then we'll certainly be hearing much more from Wild Palms in the early months of 2011. Provided they don't go and change direction again, that is...

Wild Palms - To The Lighthouse [audio //www.bearfacedrecords.com/EbMBlog_mp3s/WildPalms/WildPalms_ToTheLighthouse.mp3]

Wild Palms - Draw In Light [audio //www.bearfacedrecords.com/EbMBlog_mp3s/WildPalms/WildPalms_DrawInLight.mp3]

It just isn't right to include an mp3 download of a new single, but being as I know how much you guys love your free music, here's their old single (which has already done the rounds a bit), so you can compare the "old" and "new" sounds for yourselves:

Wild Palms - Over Time [audio //www.bearfacedrecords.com/EbMBlog_mp3s/WildPalms/WildPalms_OverTime.mp3]

**not to be confused with the band's bassist, Gareth Jones.

  1. not to be confused with 17 Seconds Records' X-Lion Tamer, who's existence perhaps triggered the name-change. ↩︎

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